Portal de Molina de Segura


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Molina de Segura News - August 2012

detail of Molina de Segura
  • The Local Government of Molina de Segura approves four tenders contracts for a total of 156,899 euros (16/08/2012)
    The City Council awarded the opening of school services outside school hours, support in municipal kindergartens and canteen in the B Side Festival 2012 as well as providing a new vehicle for the local police
  • The parish of The Bravest Molina de Segura celebrates its festivities in honor of the Virgen de las Mercedes from 17 to Aug. 27 (16/08/2012)
    The cry of parties take place on Saturday 18, the float parade on Saturday 25, and procession with the statue of the patron saint is celebrated on Sunday 26
  • Signed today the agreement Molina "Municipality Entrepreneur" (10/08/2012)
    The signing ceremony took place this morning at the Ministry of Universities and Research Company
  • B-Side Festival on the phone (07/08/2012)
    All festival information accessible from any phone
  • The hamlet of Lower Campotéjar Molina de Segura Festivals 2012 Celebrates 3 to 5 August (02/08/2012)
    Sunday, August 5, at 1400 hours, there will be a local food
  • The hamlet of El Fenazar Molina celebrates its Patron Saint of 2 to 6 August (01/08/2012)
    The activity program consists of musical performances, sports and religious

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