Portal de Molina de Segura


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Molina de Segura News - September 2018

detail of Molina de Segura
  • The Partido Popular presents the "Movimiento Actúa" in Molina de Segura (29/09/2018)

  • The Presentation of the Moors and Christians Festivities of Molina de Segura is celebrated on October 5, 6 and 7 (29/09/2018)
    The grand parade of the festivities will take place on Saturday, October 6, at 8:00 p.m.
  • Molina de Segura gets funding for three healthy programs for the first time (28/09/2018)
    The Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare grants Molina de Segura a subsidy of 10,000 euros
  • José Ãngel Alfonso congratulates ASECOM for the celebration of its IX annual awards and the winners (28/09/2018)

  • The Molina de Segura Town Hall celebrates World Tourism Day with the organization of a course on tourism resources and products of the municipality (27/09/2018)
    The Molina de Segura course, Resources and Tourism Products is held today, Thursday, September 27 at the MUDEM
  • The Molina de Segura City Council and the Local Music Band Association of the town sign an agreement for the promotion of music (27/09/2018)
    The agreement was signed today, Thursday, September 27, in the town hall of Molinense, and includes a municipal subsidy of 9,000 euros
  • Molina de Segura City Council will invest 126,935.56 euros in the improvement of pedestrian accessibility to the ASTRADE Center from Avenida del Chorrico (27/09/2018)
    The project, with a deadline of 3 months, has been presented to managers and family members of users of the association today, Thursday, September 27, at the center's headquarters
  • The Molina de Segura City Council signs an agreement with the Hims Mola Polyphonic Choir to promote its musical activities (27/09/2018)
    The document has been signed today, Thursday, September 27, and includes a municipal contribution of 4,000 euros
  • ... (26/09/2018)

  • Press announcement about the presentation of the book 'Execute Otto Maier' by Paco López Mengual in Molina de Segura (26/09/2018)

  • The Molina de Segura City Council participates in a conference on EDUSI and FEDER Funds (26/09/2018)
    The event takes place in the Almerian town of El Ejido
  • Clavero: The disloyalty of the PP with the Government of Molina de Segura and its neighbors only shows its weakness (26/09/2018)
    The General Secretary of the Socialists of Molina de Segura and local mayor, Esther Clavero, denounces the unfair strategy of the Regional Government of López Miras
  • José Ãngel Alfonso, accompanied by neighbors of Ribera De Molina, meets with the general director of Roads (25/09/2018)
    The mayoral candidate for the Partido Popular in Molina de Segura transfers to Francisco José González the need to respond to the neighborhood request to prepare the RM-560, which links the municipality with Alcantarilla, among others
  • A bus burns without causing injuries in Molina de Segura (24/09/2018)

  • The Molina de Segura City Council meets with other local governments of Andalusia and the Region of Murcia to design participatory democracy initiatives and open government (21/09/2018)
    Malaga hosts the planning meeting for the next stage of Participatory Democracy RUTA SUR, a formative itinerary on participatory democracy and open government
  • SERCOMOSA, from Molina de Segura, first joint venture to launch its Electronic Tender Platform (21/09/2018)
    Companies that want to participate in public procurement processes at SERCOMOSA will have to present their offers in an electronic form through the address http: / /licitaciones.sercomosa.es/
  • The municipality of Molina de Segura launches a free mobile application to obtain all the information on urban transport by bus (20/09/2018)
    The APP Real-time urban transport information was presented today, Thursday, September 20, by the Councilman of Mobility, within the Week European Mobility
  • Approved projects for three new Mixed Employment and Training Programs that will offer training and employment contracts to 79 young people from Molina de Segura (20/09/2018)
    The three projects will involve an investment of more than 1,100,000 euros and will allow the notable improvement of facilities, gardens and perimeter area of ​​El Romeral Sports Center
  • The PP requests that the municipality carry out a greater control and surveillance of uncontrolled discharges (20/09/2018)
    In recent months illegal deposits are proliferating freely throughout the municipality
  • The Local Government Board of Molina de Segura approves three new mixed employment and training programs (18/09/2018)
    The City Council has also approved the 2018 agreement with the association APAMOL for comprehensive care for people with limited economic resources suffering from Parkinson's disease or damage acquired brain
  • The PP of Molina de Segura presents the Housing Plan 2018-2021 endowed with 80 million euros (18/09/2018)
    The Government of Fernando López Miras will finance 20 million euros
  • ... (18/09/2018)

  • López Miras participates in the procession in honor of the Virgen de la Consolación, patron saint of Molina de Segura (16/09/2018)

  • The Molina de Segura City Council signs an agreement with the Association DeMúsica Ensemble for the organization of the Molina Music Ancient Festival 2018 (14/09/2018)
    The agreement was signed today Friday, September 14, in the municipality of Molinense, and includes a municipal subsidy of 12,000 euros
  • Conference on Innovation in General Services of Health Centers (14/09/2018)

  • Molina de Segura will have a Medieval Market from September 14 to 17, during the Patron Saint Festivities (13/09/2018)
    Craft stalls will be installed in Plaza de la Constitución, Plaza de la Región Murciana and Paseo Rosales, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. 24.00 hours
  • The Mayor of Molina de Segura meets with the President of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation to promote the pending projects in the municipality (13/09/2018)
    The meeting took place today Thursday, September 13, in Murcia
  • The Molina de Segura City Council signs agreements with the Asociación Ateneo Villa de Molina and the Association of Retired Persons and Pensioners - Intersindical (13/09/2018)

  • The Molina de Segura City Council signs an agreement with the BATUTA Virginia Cultural Association for the promotion of its musical activities (13/09/2018)
    The agreement was signed on Thursday, September 13, in the municipality of Molinense, and includes a municipal subsidy of 1,000 euros
  • The Molina de Segura City Council and the Saharawi Sonrisa Association Murcia Region sign a collaboration agreement (12/09/2018)
    The agreement was signed today, Wednesday, September 12, at the Molinense City Council, and includes a municipal subsidy of 14,100 euros
  • The Information and Welcome Center for Visitors of Las Lagunas de Campotéjar Salar Gordo de Molina de Segura opens its doors on Sunday, September 16 (12/09/2018)
    The Department of the Environment proposes to the visitors to carry out several activities in the protected natural area ZEPA de Las Lagunas de Campotéjar
  • The Community subsidizes the Association of Alzheimer's sick relatives of Molina de Segura (11/09/2018)

  • Statement on Popular Party demonstrations about the concert of Las Chillers in Molina de Segura (11/09/2018)

  • The Local Government Board of Molina de Segura awards the hiring of technical assistance for the implementation of EDUSI MOLINA 2020 AVANZA CONTIGO (11/09/2018)
    The City Council has approved the call for subsidies for the promotion of extra-curricular training activities for the 2017-2018 academic year
  • Vox Molina de Segura describes as "embarrassing spectacle" what happened last Friday at the festivities (11/09/2018)

  • Molina de Segura City Council signs an agreement with the Music Association of the locality for the promotion of music (11/09/2018)
    The agreement was signed on Tuesday, September 11, in the municipality of Molinense, and includes a municipal subsidy of 13,027 euros
  • III International Congress QualeVitae (10/09/2018)

  • The Molina de Segura City Council signs an agreement with the ADAHÃ association to help people affected by ADHD (10/09/2018)
    The agreement signed today Monday, September 10, at the Molinense City Council, and includes a municipal subsidy of 5,500 euros
  • The Department of Youth of Molina de Segura collaborates with the Association Viktor Frankl Region of Murcia in the organization of the workshop for adolescents The awakening of force (10/09/2018)
    The activity will take place on 21, 22 and 23 September
  • The PP calls for speeding up the construction of a Palace of Justice in Molina de Segura (09/09/2018)
    Molina Worship: We want to solve the problems of overload, lack of space and dispersion of venues that beset the judicial district of Molina
  • Some 8,700 students of Early Childhood and Primary Education have started the school year 2018-2019 in Molina de Segura as normal on Friday (07/09/2018)
    As a novelty, two new lines have been opened in the CEIP Tierno Galván (1st of Primary) and El Romeral (4th of Primary)
  • Molina de Segura City Council will call 10 seats for corporal and 10 for Local Police (07/09/2018)
    The Mayor, Esther Clavero has announced that the government team will take the proposal to the General Negotiating Table next Monday September 10
  • The SALHAWA FEST of Molina de Segura celebrates its first edition on Saturday, September 22 (07/09/2018)
    The concert is held at 6:00 pm, at the Municipal Auditorium, with free admission
  • The Break Dance Championship Southeast Project 2018 of Molina de Segura is celebrated on Saturday, September 15 (07/09/2018)
    The activity will take place at 9:00 pm, at the Municipal Auditorium, with free admission
  • The Molina de Segura Town Hall is launching a Special Security Plan during the Molina de Segura Patron Saint Festivities 2018 (06/09/2018)
    The entire staff of Local Police and National Police, volunteers from the Red Cross and Civil Protection, and the Consortium's firefighters will work during the festivities until next September 17
  • The Molina de Segura City Council launches the #NOesNO campaign against sexual aggression at parties (06/09/2018)
    The initiative, which is being held for the third year in a row, will be present at the various festive activities and will feature a VIOLET POINT
  • The High Nature Information Center of the Rellan de Molina de Segura reopens its doors on Sunday, September 9 (06/09/2018)
    The Department of the Environment proposes two activities in the natural area of ​​Vicente Blanes Ecological Park
  • The Community participates in the coordination of security on the occasion of the Molina de Segura festivities (05/09/2018)

  • Molina de Segura City Council increases by 5,000 euros the amount allocated to the call for subsidies for social promotion and integration programs (05/09/2018)
    The total amount allocated this year to this public call amounts to 25,000 euros, and was approved by the Board of Local Government yesterday Tuesday September 4
  • Back to school: do our children see well? (04/09/2018)

  • The Local Government Board proposes to award the third performance of the construction works of the new municipal fairground for an amount of 194,831.98 euros euros (04/09/2018)
    The renovation of public lighting in the Barrio de La Trancha has also been awarded for an amount of 13,559.59 euros
  • Molina de Segura pays tribute to the women workers of the factories with the artistic work Estrellas en Conserva (04/09/2018)
    The group of mural paintings and sculptures was inaugurated by the Molinense Mayor yesterday Monday September 3 at the Plaza de España
  • The XV Setenil Award for Best Storybook already has the ten finalists of the 2018 edition (04/09/2018)
    The jury has had to select the best works from a total of 108 titles submitted by publishers and authors from all over the country
  • Hospital de Molina presents its CSR Report, for the fourth consecutive year (03/09/2018)


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